Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I haven't updated in a while because of so much going on with me and DH, plus not much hounding getting done either. Here's the short story: DH couldn't reenlist in the Navy and we had to move to Cincinnati, Ohio for his reserve duty. We are flying back to Virginia to move out of our apartment on Sunday, and hope to be back by Tuesday (let's hope all our stuff is still there :( of course we paid rent but I'm always paranoid I'm going to open the door and all our stuff will be gone).

But here's some good news! My BIL has some connections and DH and I will be going out to sea for 60 days on some oil supply ship (or something :/) and making....well, a hell of a lot of money!!!!! Sure I don't know squat about ships but everyone is going to teach me and I am so looking forward to it.

So that's it.